Health Insurance for students in the year 2014 - 2015
Pusruant to the Document No. 1065/BHXH TP dated July 23rd 2014 of The Social Insurance of Danang City, we would like to notice the amount for Health Insurance for students in 2014-2015 as follows.
1. Objects:
All pupils and students must pay (except those who has paid Health Insurance as regulated by Health Insurance Regulation such as: the poor and the magirnally poor family, family members of a police or a soldier .....). It is compulsory that all pupils and students who are studying in school and universities in Danang City buy Health Insurance.
2. Amount of Health Insurance for pupils and students:
- Pupils and students pay an amount which is equivalent to 3% of basic salary (current basic salary is 1.150.000 dong)
- For the academi year 2014-2015 (12 months) is: 414.000 dong
In which: Pupils and students pay: 289.800 dong
Promoted by the State budget: 124.200 dong